Tuesday, February 11, 2025

April 5th 2025: A Gathering of Laurels III in South Euclid

Ohio Poets Laureate to read from their work for National Poetry Month

Beginning in December 2024, I chose to take six months off from giving featured readings in order to focus on 1) getting up to speed in my new role as vice president for the Ohio Poetry Association, 2) finishing the manuscript I promised some time ago to New Generation Beat Publications, and 3) catching up on myriad other long-suffering tasks.

But I'm making one exception, on April 5th, to read with Doc Janning and other Poets Laureate from around Ohio at my favorite (and local) public library. This will be a free event, but they hope you will register here if you wish to attend.


A Gathering of Laurels III
5 April 2025 at 3 p.m.

South Euclid-Lyndhurst Branch
Cuyahoga County Public Library
1876 South Green Road
South Euclid, Ohio 44121

Friday, January 3, 2025

Video: Walt Whitman Birthplace Association's Poets Building Bridges on 12/14/24

My last reading of 2024 was for the Walt Whitman Birthplace Association with some incredible poets: Mimi German, Karlostheunhappy, Pankhuri Sinha, Bronwyn Carver, Dave Morgan, David Wigmore, Rachel Appleton, and Judith Mansour. Here's the video. [My poems begin around the 1:16:30 mark.]
I read five poems: "Electric Miasma," "Flagging," "Potential Energy," "What They Did," and Dianne Borsenik's "Serious Flannel," with my computer unexpectedly crashing and restarting along the way.
So many thanks to WWBA Poet-in-Residence George Wallace for putting this together and to WWBA Secretary Robert Savino for moderating.
Video permalink: https://youtu.be/eE_L-vj0EoM.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Books I Finished Reading in 2024

According to Goodreads, I read 120 books in 2024. I actually read more if you count a handful that are not yet published and therefore not listed on Goodreads. And then there are the largely and barely read books, the ones I'm still in the middle of.

For the full list of the books I finished reading in 2024, click here.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Video: Me reading "What They Did" at the 2023 Beat Poetry Festival

As we prepare for a second Donald Trump presidential term, I am finally getting around to sharing the video of me reading my poem "What They Did" at the National and International Beat Poetry Festival on 2 September 2023 in Barkhamsted, Connecticut. Recording by Paul Richmond. This poem appears in my recent book, The Wrest of the Worthwhile

Video permalink: https://youtu.be/DeEIrvf6iO0

Friday, December 13, 2024

My poem "A Matter of Life in Death" published in Common Threads 2024

My poem "A Matter of Life in Death" appears in this lovely new issue of Common Threads, edited by Steve Abbott and published by the Ohio Poetry Association. So many good poets represented here!

Learn more and/or get yours at ohiopoetryassn.org/publications.

Become an OPA member at ohiopoetryassn.org/membership.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

My poems recently published in The Long Islander, Ain't No Dead Beats Around Here, and What Is in John's Basement?

I am so pleased to have a poem in each of these recent publications:
"In the Wake" in the 10 October 2024 issue of The Long Islander newspaper (with gratitude to George Wallace),
"Answered by What It Is" in What Is in John's Basement? (with gratitude to Dane Ince & Eyepublishewe),
"Solar Assignation" in Ain't No Dead Beats Around Here (with gratitude to Fin Hall & Like a blot from the blue).

Monday, December 9, 2024

12/14: Walt Whitman Birthplace Association presents Poets Building Bridges on Zoom

This Saturday, 12/14, at noon Eastern on Zoom, I will be one of three Cleveland poets (the others are Judith Mansour & Dianne Borsenik) participating in a Poets Building Bridges event hosted by the Walt Whitman Birthplace Association. 

Flowers of Litter poets Mimi German, Karlostheunhappy, & Pankhuri Sinha - and Bolton UK poets Dave Morgan, Linda Downs, David Wigmore & Laura Taylor - will also be sharing their work. So many thanks to WWBA Writer-in-Residence George Wallace for creating this world poetry triangulation project and for including us.

More info: https://www.waltwhitman.org/event/poets-building-bridges-december-14-2024-flower-litter-poets-bolton-uk-cleveland-poets/.

If you miss it, a recording of the event will be archived on the WWBA's YouTube channel.  


Friday, December 6, 2024

My poem "Potential Energy" published in New Generation Beats 2024

I'm overjoyed and grateful that New Generation Beat Publications included my poem "Potential Energy" in this year's National Beat Poetry Foundation anthology, New Generation Beats 2024.

This volume is dedicated to the memory of Andy Clausen and also features poems by Kim Acrylic, Michael D. Amitin, Martin Appleby, Tohm Bakelas, Randy Barnes, Carlos Barrera, B. Elizabeth Beck, Bengt O Björklund, Chris Bodor, Patricia Carragon, Wendy Cartwright, Michael Ceraolo, Claire Conroy, Lesley Constable, Jason Conway, Chris Dean, Lee Desrosiers, William F. DeVault, John Dorsey, Michael E. Duckwall, Carlos Raúl Dufflar, Mercedes Dugger, Les Epstein, Sandra Feen, Bryan Franco, Dayna Genevieve, Mimi German, Fin Hall, Brian Hassett, Joan Hawkins, David Henri, Roxanne Hoffman, Kathleen Hulser, Amie Hyson, Dane Ince, Larry Jaffe, Alex S. Johnson, Karlostheunhappy, Eliot Katz, Joe Kidd, Debbie Tosun Kilday, Tom Lagasse, Scott Laudati, Christen Lee, Mark Lipman, Sheila Lowe-Burke, PD Lyons, Patricia Martin, Angel L. Martinez, Amy Christine Matus, Daniel McTaggart, Amanda R. Morningstar, Jared Morningstar, Jacob R. Moses, MW Murphy, Andrée Myers, Ron Myers, Ben Nardolilli, J.D. Nelson, Marc Olmsted, Carlo Parcelli, Stasha Powell, RescuePoetix, Paul Richmond, April Ridge, Jason Ryberg, Sarah Sarai, Deborah C. Segal, Virginia Shreve, Jay Simpson, Michael Sindler, Megha Sood, Belinda Subraman, Kevin Patrick Sullivan, Igor Pop Trajkov, Tammi J. Truax, J.R. Turek, Tommy Twilite, Chrios Vannoy, Jon Velleux, Chryssa Velissariou, Merritt Waldon, George Wallace, Jeff Weddle, Ron Whitehead, Linda Bratcher Wlodyka, Hiromi Yoshida, Aprilia Zank, and many more. Editing and cover design by NBPF CEO Debbie Tosun Kilday with further editing and formatting by Human Error Publishing.

Click here to order.

I wrote this poem on 22 May 2024. I also want to acknowledge a debt of gratitude to my Renshi Sunshine group (moderated by Wayne Swanger) and to one of its participants, Jeremy Jusek. I've been participating in two email renshi groups this year. How it works is that when it's my turn to write a poem for one of these, I must use the last line of the previous poet's submission as either my title or my first line. So although they are otherwise totally independent poems, the first line of my "Potential Energy" happens to also be the last line of a Jeremy Jusek poem called "The Heat Death of the Universe."

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Video of my 2018 Calamari's Interview & Reading in Erie, PA

On August 28th 2018, on the patio of Calamari's Squid Row restaurant in Erie, Pennsylvania, Thasia Anne Lunger interviewed me prior to my featured reading for Poetry Night at Calamari's, hosted by Chuck Joy. The interview and reading were recorded by videographer Bear Lunger for Thasia Anne's TV show, "Poetry, Prose, and Personalities," broadcast on Erie's Cable Access Media (CAM). 

Poems read:
"John Cage Engaged and Uncaged"
"From Genesis to Exodus"

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Video of my Flywheel Brewing reading in Elizabethtown, KY

On Sunday 6 October 2024, I had the pleasure of reading for A.S. Coomer's monthly poetry series at Flywheel Brewing in Elizabethtown, Kentucky and he was kind enough to record my set.

I began and ended with older "classics" and sandwiched newer work between them.

John Cage Engaged and Uncaged
Solar Assignation
Critical Condition
Cause and Effect
Cause of Death