Hi, friends! It's been an eventful past week. On Wednesday the 14th I drove to Hartville to receive my second Covid-19 vaccine shot. I experienced a little soreness in my arm and a slight malaise the next day, but it was not as bad as it was after my first shot last month (and that wasn't so bad either).
On the 17th, I had the honor of reading online with several Beat Poets Laureate for National Poetry Month (hosted by the National Beat Poetry Foundation). I led off the event and shared four poems: "Will (or a Way of Heming)," "Flagging," "Disciples" and "Random Rules." Then poets David K. Leff, William F. DeVault, Tammi Truax, Leo Jarret, Virginia Shreve and Ernel Grant followed, all with strong performances. Thank you to all who attended! If you missed it (or want to watch again), the NBPF plans to post video on their YouTube page in the next week or so.

I'm still doing a lot fewer events than usual, due to the pandemic. But I have one more coming up this month. On Thursday 22 April at 8 p.m. Eastern, I will participate in
Focus on Ferlinghetti, a tribute to the late great Lawrence, hosted by Joliet Junior College and Bill Yarrow. Besides Bill and me, the other writers who will share include
Mike Hainzinger, Pam Miller, John Raffetto, Joani Reese, and Bud Smith. This is a free event. Click here to register.