Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Crisis Chronicles Press publishes Before the Next Ice Age by Lisa J. Cihlar

Crisis Chronicles Press is thrilled to announce our second new publication of 2022, Before the Next Ice Age by Lisa J. Cihlar. We've been huge fans of Lisa's work for well over a decade and are happy as can be to have had the opportunity to work with her again. 

Before the Next Ice Age features more than twenty prose poems on 34 pages, perfect bound, 5.5 x 8.5". The front cover painting is also by Lisa J. Cihlar. Published 22 January 2022. ISBN: 978-1-64092-953-1. First edition of 150 copies.
U.S. or International?
Before the Next Ice Age is available for only $10 from Crisis Chronicles Press, 535 Parkside Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44143 (plus $3 for shipping in the United States). 
Or subscribe to our entire 2022 series (at least ten titles, plus a surprise or two) for $100 with free shipping.

Earlier praise for Cihlar's work:

"When I first encountered Lisa Cihlar's poetry, I sensed an electricity in the air, a subterranean movement that insinuated itself up from the ground into my bones. And then I felt flooded, suddenly, with the wonder only great art inspires. Cihlar's poetry is full of muscle and sinew, power and verve, a voice so undeniable that it wraps itself around your synaptic connections and becomes indelible, essential. This is poetry of the highest order, of the most terrific, breath-stripping power."
Terri Brown-Davidson, Author, Pulitzer Prize Nominee, The Carrington Monologues

J. Cihlar's poems have appeared in Blackbird, Gargoyle Magazine, South Dakota Review, Crab Creek Review, and Mid-American Review. She has been nominated for two Pushcart Prizes and a Best of the Net award. Her three previous chapbooks are The Insomniac’s House from Dancing Girl Press, This Is How She Fails from Crisis Chronicles Press, and When I Pick Up My Wings from the Dry Cleaner (winner of the 2013 Blue Light Poetry Prize) from Blue Light Press. Cihlar lives in rural southern Wisconsin.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Crisis Chronicles Press offers 2022 subscription: Everything for $100

Crisis Chronicles Press is back at it, hot and heavy, catching up on our pre-pandemic commitments and so forth. We're putting out 10 titles by some of my favorite writers in 2022, including the just released Contempt of Gravity: The Complete Published Poems, 1981–2020, by William Merricle (a $20 value) - soon to be followed by works by Lisa J. Cihlar, Chansonette Buck, Kent Taylor, Victor Adam Clevenger, Alex Gildzen, Christopher Franke, Brandon Johnson, John Dorsey and more.

Subscribe! Donate $100 to receive all ten 2022 titles and an extra surprise or two.

Folks keep asking when we will be taking submissions again, and I've been responding with some variation of "hopefully in the near future when I'm caught up." Well, it looks like we will finally be caught up later this year. But whether we can eventually take on new books and keep going beyond 2022 is gonna depend on whether we can make the press sustainable (which has been a larger challenge than usual during the pandemic with so many events unable to happen). 
So please consider treating yourself by picking up a subscription to Crisis Chronicles Press - and thereby also help us to get through 2022 and possibly continue beyond that. Many thanks to the very kind indie lit lovers who have been supportive of this work so far (for nearly 14 years). May the universe smile upon you.
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Sunday, January 2, 2022

Crisis Chronicles Press publishes Contempt of Gravity: The Complete Published Poems, 1981–2020, by William Merricle

Crisis Chronicles Press is pleased and privileged to celebrate the new year with the publication of Contempt of Gravity: The Complete Published Poems, 1981–2020 by Ohio treasure William Merricle. William is one of the sharpest, smartest, funniest writers we've ever had the pleasure of working with. And this book is everything including (to steal a phrase from one of his poems) "a massive sensory experience"!

Contempt of Gravity is 437 pages, perfect bound, 5.5 x 8.5". ISBN: 978-1-64092-952-4. Front cover photo by Steven B. Smith of a mural by Donald Black, Jr. Published 1 January 2022. 125 copies in print.
U.S. or Elsewhere?

Contempt of Gravity
is available for only $20 from Crisis Chronicles Press, 535 Parkside Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44143 (plus $4 for shipping in the USA).
Contempt of Gravity: The Complete Published Poems, 1981–2020 includes several volumes of Merricle's work in one:
Living On Wormholes & Beer (previously uncollected poems from 1981-1990)
Love & Food By-Products (originally published by Iron Press in 1991)
Why Should I Suffer Alone? (originally published by Green Meadow Press in 1993)
Slubberdegullion Sonata (originally published by Big Easy Press in 1995)
Eye Sickles (originally published by Timelapse Press in 1997)
The Constellation Called Forget (previously uncollected poems from 1991-2000)
A Delicious Friction (previously uncollected poems from 2001-2010)
Heimlich the Donut (originally published by Pudding House Publications in 2010)
Grace, You Let the Screen Door Slam (originally published by Crisis Chronicles in 2011)
Chaos Theory (originally published by NightBallet Press in 2013)
Fractured Fairy Tales (originally published by Crisis Chronicles in 2016)
The Tongue Depressor Incident (previously uncollected poems from 2011-2020)

William Merricle was once the assistant manager of a ramshackle soft-porn movie palace. He would open the observation window and glide paper airplanes inscribed with quotes from Heidegger over the engrossed congregants below.
1981 copier-art portrait by Grace O’God. 
2020 portrait in radiation treatment mask by Jerri Merricle.